Sunday, October 30, 2011

Spring Tree Pure Maple Syrup, 8.5 oz. (Pack of 12)

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Brand : Spring Tree
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Post Date : Oct 31, 2011 02:11:12
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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Shady Maple Farms Organic Grade B Maple Syrup Plastic ( 6x32 OZ)

!±8±Shady Maple Farms Organic Grade B Maple Syrup Plastic ( 6x32 OZ)

Brand : Shady Maple Farms
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Price : $167.04
Post Date : Oct 23, 2011 15:43:13
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Shady Maple Farms 6X 32 Oz Organic Grade B Maple Syrup Plastic Shady Maple Organic Maple Syrup Contains Only Pure Organic Maple Syrup. Natural Organic Maple Syrup Is One Of The Healthiest Ways To Indulge Your Sweet Tooth. This Natural Plant Sap Contains Good Amounts Of Magnesium And Zinc, Important For The Immune System.: Gluten Free (Note: This Product Description Is Informational Only. Always Check The Actual Product Label In Your Possession For The Most Accurate Ingredient Information Before Use. For Any Health Or Dietary Related Matter Always Consult Your Doctor Before Use.)

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Meals Around the Campfire

!±8± Meals Around the Campfire

Roughing it anywhere in the woods is one of the most basic enjoyments in life. prepared. Plan ahead for meals and take a simple, doable supply of campfire cooking recipes. Fishing excursions around lakes in the forests make for an excellent source of ready food supply. Know-how and a willingness to get back to basics results in campfire fare that are memorable and pleasant. Preparing the campfire properly is the first step to successful campfire meals from breakfast through dinner. Above-ground campfire can prove tricky for cooking unless a cast iron grid is part of the take-along gear. Consider that an in-ground fire pit may prove less of a problem and will retain flavor of any menus.

Avoid bringing foods along that have a short shelf life. Rely upon foods like "catch-it-yourself" fish, corn on the cob, hot dogs, hamburgers or dried beef that can be put into a dutch oven along with carrots, celery and onion for a great pot of hot stew that's easy on the stomach. Add a dash and salt and pepper to taste and the meal fairly makes itself. Remember that in-ground fire pit? Dig a small 12 inch by 12 inch diameter pit in the ground. Line evenly with rocks the size of a small child's head. Add kindling and small bits of wood and allow the fire to heat the rocks until glowing. This works on beach sand as well as regular soil. Once the rocks are heated place the dutch oven over the rocks. Corn on the cob roasts as beautifully as biscuits bake with this method. Fish is easily poached in a small fry pan within minutes.

For campfires above ground, try to keep hot coals as level as possible. Campfire cooking recipes don't have to be bland. Prepare beforehand baked beans with a dash of molasses, chopped onion and a spritz of mustard. Reheat over the campfire to serve. Even vegetables can be a treat when properly blanched in Italian salad dressing, stored in foil and lightly cooked over the campfire. Depending on how hot the campfire is maintained, will determine length of cooking time for recipes. Too hot a fire cooks foods too fast. Too cool and partially cooked food is the result. Using cast iron cooking gear balances heat and cooking time and is great for campfire cooking recipes. Pack the cooking gear and enjoy fire cooking at its best.

Breakfast meals don't necessarily mean eggs and bacon cooked over an open fire. For a real treat, use quick cooking oatmeal, a dash of cinnamon and when ready to prepare, add chopped apples and mix with apple juice. Cook over campfire, stirring until well cooked. Campfire cooking recipes include desserts. Nothing is tastier than apples baked over a campfire. Pour a little maple syrup over when apples are cooked through. Marshmallows, raisins and nuts add to desserts or breakfast cereals and are packed easily with other campfire fare when they are pre-mixed and stored in a plastic bag.

Meals Around the Campfire

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Benefits of Walnuts - A Natural Fat Burner!

!±8± Benefits of Walnuts - A Natural Fat Burner!

Discover the incredible weight loss benefits of walnuts, how to best prepare them and how much you should eat to get maximum benefit from walnuts - one of nature's amazing fat burning foods.

The walnut tree, both regal and ornamental, produces walnuts.

Although there is a great diversity in walnut trees, just three basic kinds of walnuts are eaten. The English, or Persian, walnut is one type, and the other two are the black and the white walnuts. English walnuts are the favorite and most widely used type in America. The shell is lighter, so it is easy to crack it with a nut cracker. The shell of the black walnut has a strong scent and is quite hard.

White walnuts have slightly more oil and taste sweeter than do the others, but they're not as widely used as either English or black walnuts.

The walnut kernel includes a pair of lumpy lobes which are firm and brown in color. They resemble the halves of a person's brain. When you split the nut itself, it is shaped rather like a moth. These lobes are nearly white, encased in a pale brown skin.

The Fat Burning Benefits of Walnuts

As an excellent omega 3 fatty acid source and a source of copper, tryptophan, manganese, vitamins B and E and fiber, walnuts are great for fighting fat.

Triglyceride levels are lowered by the phytosterol, alpha linileic acid, and omega 3 fatty acid content. That prevents plaque from collecting on the walls of your arteries, thus helping you avoid a stroke or a coronary. Omega 3 fatty acids boost the body's supply of good cholesterol (or HDL), and lower the bad cholesterol (or LDL). Of all the kinds of nuts, walnuts are highest in omega 3 fatty acid levels.

The alpha linolenic acid found in walnuts assists in making sure bones are well developed. Omega 3 fatty acids supply inflammation fighting and brain boosting advantages.

Copper and manganese are also present in walnuts in healthy amounts.

Because they work together, these two minerals are key factors in a lot of enzymes that are primary antioxidants. To work more efficiently and effectively, our bodies need both manganese and copper to produce more energy.

Walnuts also contain ellagic acid. This antioxidant compound helps guard metabolic pathways that could help cancer grow.

Cancer causing cells are stopped in their tracks by ellagic acid, which protects against free radicals.

Tryptophan and Fiber in Walnuts

These things are not usually thought of together, however, they work in similar ways to fight fat. You can reach your satiety level more rapidly if you ingest more fiber and tryptophan. Fiber aids the digestive process and accelerates the elimination of toxins.

Tryptophan releases serotonin in the brain; this gives you a feeling of well-being, makes you feel happier, and increases cognition and brain functioning.

Your body will get energy from the B vitamins found in walnuts, because they transform carbohydrates into glucose. Every cell in your body needs them.

They also are important in keeping the nervous system working well; they keep muscle tone in the stomach and intestinal tract; and they help keep skin, hair and eyes in good shape. Because the body doesn't store B vitamins, they must be replaced regularly.

Vitamin E, a strong antioxidant found in walnuts, counteracts the effects of harmful free radicals and guards against cardiovascular illness and even certain cancers.

Walnuts also contain melatonin. Besides helping provide the good night's sleep required for you to stay disease free, melatonin acts as a strong antioxidant that helps guard against illnesses related to aging.

Walnuts provide a fantastic fat burning punch overall.

Preparing Walnuts

Always keep in mind that walnuts are perishable and can go bad very fast. Unshelled walnuts should be stored in a cool, dry, and dark location. While still in their shell, they can be stored for half a year. Packages of walnuts that have already been shelled will stay fresh for up to four months. However, after you've started the package, you should put the remainder in your fridge in a tightly sealed container. You can keep walnuts frozen for up to 12 months.

Buy a cheap but well-made nutcracker so you can have fun cracking walnuts yourself. This is a terrific way for kids to get involved. They really enjoy cracking open walnuts.

Add chopped walnuts to salads, dips, bread dough, or cereal. They make a delicious addition to granola. Eating just walnuts, with nothing else, is a real treat -- both tasty and satisfying.

Add chopped walnuts to sautéed vegetables. If you want to make your yogurt tastier and more delicious, top it with walnuts and either honey or maple syrup.

Walnuts are a great addition to waffles, muffins, and hearty bread recipes.

Desserts are often enhanced by the addition of walnuts. Try to minimize the number you eat. They are hard to resist!

How Much Should You Eat?

An average serving size is approximately 12-15 walnuts per day.

Benefits of Walnuts - A Natural Fat Burner!

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