Monday, December 26, 2011

degrees that work: Plastics

Plastics touch every aspect of life. Without plastics, much of what we depend on daily at work and home would disappear. Despite its prevalence, the moldable material doesnt enjoy top-of-the-mind awareness, especially among the current generation of students. This episode of degrees that work. attempts to change that. The expertise of national experts is combined with the work of high school students engaged in a plastics project to illuminate the exciting nature and possibilities of the field. Visits to NPE 2009 in Chicago, the largest gathering of plastics professionals in the world, and to KNEX Brands, one of the largest injection molders in the country, provide additional insight into a sector that offers ample, rewarding career opportunities for todays students. The show's website is

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Getting Through the Grief Process - For Widows Only - 5 Tips to Get You Through the Grief Process

!±8± Getting Through the Grief Process - For Widows Only - 5 Tips to Get You Through the Grief Process

It's not easy losing a husband. On the long list of ugly, losing a spouse rockets to the top--One day you are a couple, doing the couple thing, next day, you are a lonely-only. And getting through the grief process sucks. But, I'm here to tell you, you can and you will recover.

Here's 5 do's to get you through your grief process:

Do #1: Love Yourself.

Do become your best friend.

Do not be afraid to ask yourself out-loud (yes, you have permission to talk to yourself) questions.

Where do you want to go? What do you want to do? Who do you want to see?

Find out what makes you, dear widow, happy. Then just do it. Even if it is to run to the corner discount drug store to purchase a box of fake nails to pretty your hands, or to purchase a box of hair dye to cover those pesky grey roots.

Practicing Do #1 will teach you how special a lady you truly are.

Do #2: Give Yourself Permission.

Do give yourself permission--To mourn, to grieve, to laugh, and to cry.

Repeat over and over to yourself, "There is no right way, no wrong way, to mourn, there is just 'my' way." And for goodness sakes, if you feel like crying, please do. Never hold your sadness inside. Tears are healthy. And, they are cleansing. I always feel better after a good cry. Also, if you want to get out of the house, by all means, do it. You have permission. Remember?

Do #3: Perform acts of Lovingkindness.

Do look for ways to help others. Helping someone in need will act as a distraction as you heal your broken heart. It will help you to create new memories. When Hurricane Katrina struck, it was less than one year after the death of my husband. Seeing unhappy faces splashed across my TV set, I raised my hand, and volunteered with the American Red Cross. From Alabama to Mississippi, I drove a truck delivering laptops, supplies, and VSatt-5 dishes to shelters. I did the best I could to reach out and touch someone in need. And it felt great! Of course I didn't admit to co-volunteers the true reason for pulling off to the side of a road and crying my eyes out was due to my husband being dead and not the victims of that dreaded storm begging bottled water and a safe place to sleep. When it comes to filling the void after losing your man, it is important to learn life's valuable lesson and that is, we're not alone. So don't be bashful, reach out and touch someone in need.

Do #4: Get out of the house.

Do go out.

Why not? You do have permission. Don remember? Go back and reread Rule #2.

What's that? You say, you're alone and you got nobody to take you out? Proceed to Rule #5.

Do #5: Get Over it!

Do begin each new day reminding yourself that you are important and that life is for the living.

Taking yourself out for breakfast to a local diner is a start. And sitting at a counter, reading a newspaper, scanning headlines, scarfing down blueberry pancakes smothered in melted butter and maple syrup by yourself will help to mark a new beginning, will create new friendships (think waitress, cashier, busboy), form new ideas (ever read a place mat?), and broaden your horizons (think Cheers, everybody likes a place to go where everybody knows your name).

I know it's not easy burying a husband, your lover, your mentor, your knight in shining armor. But if you follow my 5 Do's as outlined above, you will be one giant baby step forward with the best of your life. I promise.

Getting Through the Grief Process - For Widows Only - 5 Tips to Get You Through the Grief Process

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Friday, November 18, 2011

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

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Shady Maple Farms 6X 32 Oz Organic Grade B Maple Syrup Plastic Shady Maple Organic Maple Syrup Contains Only Pure Organic Maple Syrup. Natural Organic Maple Syrup Is One Of The Healthiest Ways To Indulge Your Sweet Tooth. This Natural Plant Sap Contains Good Amounts Of Magnesium And Zinc, Important For The Immune System.: Gluten Free (Note: This Product Description Is Informational Only. Always Check The Actual Product Label In Your Possession For The Most Accurate Ingredient Information Before Use. For Any Health Or Dietary Related Matter Always Consult Your Doctor Before Use.)

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Meals Around the Campfire

!±8± Meals Around the Campfire

Roughing it anywhere in the woods is one of the most basic enjoyments in life. prepared. Plan ahead for meals and take a simple, doable supply of campfire cooking recipes. Fishing excursions around lakes in the forests make for an excellent source of ready food supply. Know-how and a willingness to get back to basics results in campfire fare that are memorable and pleasant. Preparing the campfire properly is the first step to successful campfire meals from breakfast through dinner. Above-ground campfire can prove tricky for cooking unless a cast iron grid is part of the take-along gear. Consider that an in-ground fire pit may prove less of a problem and will retain flavor of any menus.

Avoid bringing foods along that have a short shelf life. Rely upon foods like "catch-it-yourself" fish, corn on the cob, hot dogs, hamburgers or dried beef that can be put into a dutch oven along with carrots, celery and onion for a great pot of hot stew that's easy on the stomach. Add a dash and salt and pepper to taste and the meal fairly makes itself. Remember that in-ground fire pit? Dig a small 12 inch by 12 inch diameter pit in the ground. Line evenly with rocks the size of a small child's head. Add kindling and small bits of wood and allow the fire to heat the rocks until glowing. This works on beach sand as well as regular soil. Once the rocks are heated place the dutch oven over the rocks. Corn on the cob roasts as beautifully as biscuits bake with this method. Fish is easily poached in a small fry pan within minutes.

For campfires above ground, try to keep hot coals as level as possible. Campfire cooking recipes don't have to be bland. Prepare beforehand baked beans with a dash of molasses, chopped onion and a spritz of mustard. Reheat over the campfire to serve. Even vegetables can be a treat when properly blanched in Italian salad dressing, stored in foil and lightly cooked over the campfire. Depending on how hot the campfire is maintained, will determine length of cooking time for recipes. Too hot a fire cooks foods too fast. Too cool and partially cooked food is the result. Using cast iron cooking gear balances heat and cooking time and is great for campfire cooking recipes. Pack the cooking gear and enjoy fire cooking at its best.

Breakfast meals don't necessarily mean eggs and bacon cooked over an open fire. For a real treat, use quick cooking oatmeal, a dash of cinnamon and when ready to prepare, add chopped apples and mix with apple juice. Cook over campfire, stirring until well cooked. Campfire cooking recipes include desserts. Nothing is tastier than apples baked over a campfire. Pour a little maple syrup over when apples are cooked through. Marshmallows, raisins and nuts add to desserts or breakfast cereals and are packed easily with other campfire fare when they are pre-mixed and stored in a plastic bag.

Meals Around the Campfire

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Benefits of Walnuts - A Natural Fat Burner!

!±8± Benefits of Walnuts - A Natural Fat Burner!

Discover the incredible weight loss benefits of walnuts, how to best prepare them and how much you should eat to get maximum benefit from walnuts - one of nature's amazing fat burning foods.

The walnut tree, both regal and ornamental, produces walnuts.

Although there is a great diversity in walnut trees, just three basic kinds of walnuts are eaten. The English, or Persian, walnut is one type, and the other two are the black and the white walnuts. English walnuts are the favorite and most widely used type in America. The shell is lighter, so it is easy to crack it with a nut cracker. The shell of the black walnut has a strong scent and is quite hard.

White walnuts have slightly more oil and taste sweeter than do the others, but they're not as widely used as either English or black walnuts.

The walnut kernel includes a pair of lumpy lobes which are firm and brown in color. They resemble the halves of a person's brain. When you split the nut itself, it is shaped rather like a moth. These lobes are nearly white, encased in a pale brown skin.

The Fat Burning Benefits of Walnuts

As an excellent omega 3 fatty acid source and a source of copper, tryptophan, manganese, vitamins B and E and fiber, walnuts are great for fighting fat.

Triglyceride levels are lowered by the phytosterol, alpha linileic acid, and omega 3 fatty acid content. That prevents plaque from collecting on the walls of your arteries, thus helping you avoid a stroke or a coronary. Omega 3 fatty acids boost the body's supply of good cholesterol (or HDL), and lower the bad cholesterol (or LDL). Of all the kinds of nuts, walnuts are highest in omega 3 fatty acid levels.

The alpha linolenic acid found in walnuts assists in making sure bones are well developed. Omega 3 fatty acids supply inflammation fighting and brain boosting advantages.

Copper and manganese are also present in walnuts in healthy amounts.

Because they work together, these two minerals are key factors in a lot of enzymes that are primary antioxidants. To work more efficiently and effectively, our bodies need both manganese and copper to produce more energy.

Walnuts also contain ellagic acid. This antioxidant compound helps guard metabolic pathways that could help cancer grow.

Cancer causing cells are stopped in their tracks by ellagic acid, which protects against free radicals.

Tryptophan and Fiber in Walnuts

These things are not usually thought of together, however, they work in similar ways to fight fat. You can reach your satiety level more rapidly if you ingest more fiber and tryptophan. Fiber aids the digestive process and accelerates the elimination of toxins.

Tryptophan releases serotonin in the brain; this gives you a feeling of well-being, makes you feel happier, and increases cognition and brain functioning.

Your body will get energy from the B vitamins found in walnuts, because they transform carbohydrates into glucose. Every cell in your body needs them.

They also are important in keeping the nervous system working well; they keep muscle tone in the stomach and intestinal tract; and they help keep skin, hair and eyes in good shape. Because the body doesn't store B vitamins, they must be replaced regularly.

Vitamin E, a strong antioxidant found in walnuts, counteracts the effects of harmful free radicals and guards against cardiovascular illness and even certain cancers.

Walnuts also contain melatonin. Besides helping provide the good night's sleep required for you to stay disease free, melatonin acts as a strong antioxidant that helps guard against illnesses related to aging.

Walnuts provide a fantastic fat burning punch overall.

Preparing Walnuts

Always keep in mind that walnuts are perishable and can go bad very fast. Unshelled walnuts should be stored in a cool, dry, and dark location. While still in their shell, they can be stored for half a year. Packages of walnuts that have already been shelled will stay fresh for up to four months. However, after you've started the package, you should put the remainder in your fridge in a tightly sealed container. You can keep walnuts frozen for up to 12 months.

Buy a cheap but well-made nutcracker so you can have fun cracking walnuts yourself. This is a terrific way for kids to get involved. They really enjoy cracking open walnuts.

Add chopped walnuts to salads, dips, bread dough, or cereal. They make a delicious addition to granola. Eating just walnuts, with nothing else, is a real treat -- both tasty and satisfying.

Add chopped walnuts to sautéed vegetables. If you want to make your yogurt tastier and more delicious, top it with walnuts and either honey or maple syrup.

Walnuts are a great addition to waffles, muffins, and hearty bread recipes.

Desserts are often enhanced by the addition of walnuts. Try to minimize the number you eat. They are hard to resist!

How Much Should You Eat?

An average serving size is approximately 12-15 walnuts per day.

Benefits of Walnuts - A Natural Fat Burner!

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Grade B maple syrup, lemon juice and cayenne pepper - to lose weight fast with the Master Cleanse diet

!±8± Grade B maple syrup, lemon juice and cayenne pepper - to lose weight fast with the Master Cleanse diet

Grade B maple syrup, combine the lemon juice and cayenne pepper with filtered water and you have the Master Cleanse Detox Diet. This juice detox can help you lose about a pound a day for a period of ten days and I'll leave the light, clean, and bounding with energy. But what are the health benefits of these simple ingredients?

Grade B maple syrup

Grade B maple syrup provides sweetness, the acidity of lemon juice to fight with fewer calories than manyother sweeteners. It is a natural product made from maple trees in Canada and the United States produces. A 100 g portion of maple syrup provides 42% RDA of Zinc, an antioxidant that helps to heal our bodies neutralize free radicals.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is an excellent cleanser for the body. Removes plaque and mucus in the colon over the years, so that they are clean and free of bacteria and parasites. If you clean the intestine isbetter able to digest the food you eat, and manage the energy it provides.

Rich in vitamin C, lemon juice reduce congestion in the lymphatic system, cleanses the nose and paranasal sinuses, kidneys and stimulates the liver. This miracle juice improves digestion, reduces infections and can help many skin problems like acne and eczema clear. It can also relieve arthritis and atherosclerosis.

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper is rich in minerals and vitamins A, Band C, calcium and potassium, which helps with colds, sinus infections and other respiratory diseases. It also helps high blood pressure, migraine treatment, chest pain and foot fungus.

Cayenne pepper stimulates the metabolism, helps burn fat faster and improves circulation. If you find the cayenne pepper in the Master Cleanse drink too much can be substituted for capsules. The Master Cleanse Detox cleanses the body of mucus and plaque, stimulatesTo help the liver and kidneys to lose weight and your body ready to begin a healthy diet.

Grade B maple syrup, lemon juice and cayenne pepper - to lose weight fast with the Master Cleanse diet

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Monday, September 12, 2011

The basic steps for an organized, well equipped kitchen!

!±8± The basic steps for an organized, well equipped kitchen!

After doing my Spring Cleaning, I wanted to share with you some of the basics of cooking.

And 'my belief that every home needs a well-organized pantry. If you do not have the luxury of a walk-in pantry, do not despair! You should be able to identify and organize an area in the house to serve as a pantry. Even if you put on shelves in the basement.

The advantages of maintaining a well-stocked pantry are numerous and well-organized. A bonus is that they do not travel, like manyin the shop. If you follow these simple steps I have outlined in this article for you - starting with taking an inventory of all items and make a complete list of what you need to buy - not only many problems, but allows you to use the coupons that were cut or buy items for sale and in bulk, you save gas, time and money! And your health!

Function - First in the pantry

No matter how big or small your pantry, butFunction should be your first consideration. Here are some tips for organizing your pantry functional:

* How to organize any room in your house, a dining room should be planned, time, energy conservation, efficiency, and therefore money!

* Your pantry should be well lit so you can see all the areas.

* Make your pantry efficiently for you. It should be a central location in your home. Whether in the kitchen or utility room, which is relatively close to your workplace. If necessary, youperfectly well to create different areas pantry. To do this though, just remember to organize every room so that the necessary elements in the kitchen in the kitchen, cleaning products separate from food and bed linen and towels are close to your home bedroom and bathroom, and so on .

* Consider the humidity and temperature of your pantry, you do not want dry food in a humid place, a pantry and a relatively cool and constant temperature is the ideal shop has.

* If space is limited,Buy plastic containers that stack in a closet, on shelves above the chamber can, and / or even under the bed. In these containers, I always elements which is less often, access to these storage areas. If you save in bulk, and keep the money in shares that will buy them less accessible areas, you can always fill a small supply in your pantry storage space cost.

* Keep a "good inventory" of items that can be used on a regular basis you will be able to avoidattractive sale prices on items that do not use and / or you do not need.

Getting Started - Cleaning Out The Pantry

Now you have planned your pantry for the function, now is the time to start reorganizing!

Once established, you want the pantry, you're starting all - I know, I know - do not freak out - by all and can start to bring.

1 Empty the pantry full - everything moves in boxes,Table tops and / or countertops. Recycle or dispose of all to see, is spoiled, expired, stale or otherwise unusable.

2 Before you get to fix things - it is fun to cut the food, which cabinets you have now. Look around and observe as the following: How long has it been since you used the product? For example, herbs - without flavor after 6 months in a dark room and cold. While you're checkingExpiration date and discard properly. Remember the rule: When in doubt, throw it out!

3 Wipe the dust or dirt from each element as you go.

4 If nothing else, has lost the label, but certainly knows what to do there, or a hand (or created digitally) mounted label for easy identification and keep it in your container.

5 The best part of this process - even if it is a long time, is that only twice a year. Are you going to put it in the spring and thenCase.

6 Clean the shelves and walls thoroughly with a solution of warm water and mild soap, dry with a cloth and allow to dry for shelf space well.

Preparation - Kitchen Space

Once you get everything removed, cleaned and prepared pantry space, you are ready to begin re-organization. This is the fun part!

Here are my suggested steps to get your pantry ready for greater efficiency savings, and money order!

1 When you start to organizeYour "yes-camp pantry" ... can search for any available space is used to store objects, the back of a door of the pantry can be used to store spices and other small objects, if a rack hanging on the door. You can purchase these racks: Bed Bath & Beyond, Home Depot, Lowes, Target and other retail store or similar.

2 If necessary, now is the time to redesign your pantry shelves and walls. I think the white or cream is usually the best color for a handout. It showsCleaning!

3 At this point you can set some simple wipe-off surface on the shelf paper. This is to protect the surfaces from stains shelf.

4 The next step is to organize your shelves for the content held in the "Well-storage pantry."

5 I suggest getting some official Tupperware Modular. They are ideal for dry goods like flour, sugar, pasta, tea, coffee beans and cereals. I believe that the use of rectangular orsquare containers will take up less space and cleaner stack of round or oval container.

Reorganization of pantry

Now you have cleaned out the pantry, you can start things, divided by the following:

1 Start pantry sorting into categories: Examples: fruits, vegetables, soups, spices, packed lunches / dinners, canned meats, sauces, baked goods and rice / pasta / dried beans. As you do this first cycle ofCategorization, be sure to bring the elements in order of sequence data from the best run as the last item to go into the pantry (which will be in the front, so expensive).

2 The heaviest items should go on lower shelves. Especially if you install a lazy Susan. For example, you can have a great tomato sauce, put it on the lowest shelf of cans for your baked goods. In the meantime, you can open shelves above for those whoFrequently used items, and the lighter elements such as beans, pasta and / or rice.

3 Through the use of containers you can stay dry goods, bakery items such as flour, sugar, fresh and accurate. You can always smaller items such as tea and coffee, nuts, and broth in small baskets and / or plastic containers, which also helps to keep cool.

4 Elements of the group, and two together: breakfast items, snacks, baked goods, cleaning products, linen towels, etc. It 'important thatIf you have a little 'time to think about how things in the supermarket where you usually shop, you can group the objects are arranged in a similar dispensation. With sub-groups will help to keep things neatly stored and easily accessible. Fruits, vegetables, soups, biscuits and pastries, etc. For example, all preserved on a shelf, are organized into subgroups, such as

5 Labelling shelves will help the groups in order.

Pantry Inventory and restocking

Now that you havewant to have cleaned our your "Well-storage pantry," old entries are deleted, added shelves (if necessary), you want to do the inventory. This will help you determine what is missing and what needs to be replenished regularly.

For convenience, I have a list of common items, an appetizer to keep in the pantry and add it to your pantry inventory list created:

* Items in the box - soup, broth, vegetables, fruits, beans, tomatoes, etc. * Jar Foods - Tomatoand salsa, olives, pickles, peanut butter, jams and jellies * Bakery - baking powder, baking soda, flour, sugar, extracts and more! * Spices - salt, pepper, basil, Italian season, tarragon, paprika, chilli crushed, and much more! * Starch - pasta, potatoes, rice * condiments - soy sauce, vinegar, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise * sweeteners - syrup, honey, artificial sweetener * Dry Goods - cereal, oatmeal, pancake mix, raisins and dried fruit, nuts and seeds * Oils - Olive oil, canola oil, Peanut oil, vegetable oil, etc.

Keep the pantry well organized

Now you have cleaned and organized your pantry, you must follow these few simple tips to keep it this way:

1 Do not buy things that are not used, that is to save money! 2 Just buy according to your tastes, your budget and needs. 3 Search for coupons and sales items to keep in your pantry 4. Use your dispensation to your inventory to make sure they are not overcrowded. 5 If possible,Items such as paper towels, paper plates, napkins, etc., do not expire or become obsolete, buying in large quantities.

The Wrap-Up

If possible, try to reserve the amount of basic food products you buy to use the most. This will prevent "out-of-stock" items. After a jar of mayonnaise or some more spare can of chicken and / or tuna salad can be very useful, with a surprise visit from a friend. Be sure to add these items to your cart, if it breaks in your reserve. WithThe children in the home, you might consider a specific area and / or basketball, where you can keep on hand a quick snack and treats. This will help children out of the pantry! Homemade trail mix is ​​a good snack, and easy to store!

I have found it best to try to reorganize your pantry when you are alone or have a block of time available for you to focus and the project soon!

Remember, cleaning agents and chemicals stored in your dietArticles!

Keep items you use most frequently and prominently in front!

Stack cans, jars and other objects so that the labels can be read easily.

Baskets, baskets, adjustable shelves, boxes and more that to improve organizing your pantry: Always looking for new organizational tools to be like.

Create a "guest" or "relief" to keep the shelf crackers, sauces, chips, mixed drinks and other objects at hand, so be prepared for an impromptu party orThe friends of your children.

Hold the paper / pencil and / or table in your pantry. You can also paint a sign on the back of your pantry door. You'll be surprised how they encourage family members to add what they want the inventory, or what may have noticed, is out-of-stocks.

If you do not get everything clean in the pantry, you can not store the essential elements in a more "remote", as the garage or basement.

Basic PantryStaples:

Baking soda, baking powder, corn starch, sugar (powdered, granulated and brown) of yeast stock (chicken, beef, vegetables), maple syrup, butter, eggs, milk, lemon mustard Cooking Wine (or lemon ) garlic, onion, mayonnaise, hot sauce Parmesan

Other convenient pantry items:

Dried beans, canned spaghetti sauce, soup (cream of chicken or mushroom), assorted vegetables, Cream Cheese Cream Cheese Sour frozen (frozen is usually better to eat), potatoes, celeryCarrots

Pantrying happy!

-Karina 's Garden of Grace

(Http: / /

The basic steps for an organized, well equipped kitchen!

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

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This product is 100 % pure and all natural. Grade A dark amber. Pure maple syrup comes from maple trees every spring, thus our name: Spring Tree. Because Spring Tree maple syrup comes from mature maple trees in old forests, no fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides are ever needed. Spring Tree maple syrup comes to you just as nature provides it. Product of Canada.

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Friday, August 26, 2011

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Usually ships in 2-3 business days

SPRING MAPLE SYRUP 12x 12.5 OZ ORGANIC GRADE B MAPLE SYRUPGLASS. Grade B is less refined than the grade As, thus it holds more of its nutrients and also has a stronger taste. Most people say its for cooking, but if you like a strong maple taste, this is the one.: KOSHER. (Note: This product description is informational only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information before use. For any health or dietary related matter always consult your doctor before use.)

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

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Post Date : Aug 21, 2011 20:59:20
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Spring Maple Syrup 12X 12.5 Oz Organic Grade A Maple Syrupglass Most People Use The Grade A Light For The Candies Etc, But It'S Good On Pancakes And Waffles Too. It Has A Milder Taste And Is Light In Color Compared To The Others.: Kosher (Note: This Product Description Is Informational Only. Always Check The Actual Product Label In Your Possession For The Most Accurate Ingredient Information Before Use. For Any Health Or Dietary Related Matter Always Consult Your Doctor Before Use.)

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Go Diego Go Party Menu for the entire set of party!

!±8± A Go Diego Go Party Menu for the entire set of party!

Go Diego Go is a spin-off of Dora the Explorer cartoon created by Nickelodeon. He and Dora are both very popular with the preschool age group. Chances are, if your child suddenly is going on tour in the jungle in search of imaginary objects lost, he or she has found the show and grew to love it.

The Go Diego Go Party, many of the foods the same party, the party would be present at the Dora Explorer, to show a spin-off and is more or less the same amountEnvironment. This means that a lot of tropical fruits like mango, banana, passion fruit, and even kiwis. You can store up fresh and hot Monkeying Around Banana Bread. Served with butter and maple syrup is quite tasty. An orange or lemon cake with chocolate frosting is perfect for a birthday party with this theme.

Monkeying Around Banana Bread for your party Go Diego Go is just a variation of a recipe for normal bread. You need sugar, 2 eggs, 2 cups Bisquick or other allThe aim of bread mix, 1 cup chopped walnuts, ¼ cup shortening and 1 cup mashed ripe bananas. Mix sugar and shortening. Eggs, bananas, mix the bread and nuts. Mix well. Pour into a greased and floured pan. Bake at 350 degrees for about an hour. Leaves before serving your guests cool on the Go, Diego, Go Party

When you combine the menu for the feast Go Diego Go themed party goods do not forget the party. You need a lot of partiesencouraged to clean up decorations, inflatable boats, and of course the paper goods such as tablecloths and napkins, after all your little guests. Make sure a great time Go, Diego, Go!

A Go Diego Go Party Menu for the entire set of party!

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

How to make a smoothie in a healthy way

!±8± How to make a smoothie in a healthy way

Healthy smoothies with a variety of high-antioxidant fruits and vegetables, especially when combined with antioxidants superfoods are rich in nutritious meals, you can do. They are also more or less the faster, too!

I'll show you like a milkshake, with plant nutrients, vitamins, minerals and enzymes to make loaded, and is available in a whole-food form that is easily digested and assimilated.

The good news is that anyone can learn to make a smoothiethat is healthy and tasty! Another positive point is that any smoothie recipe to be slightly modified to suit your particular taste. In six easy steps, I'll show you how to make a smoothie, which is incredibly healthy and easy to prepare.

1 The choice of a Blender.

The highest quality mixers are 2 to 3.5 hp. These mixers can be almost anything in a creamy, smooth texture blend seamlessly. VitaMix Blendtec and brands are the most recommendedProfessionals.

Most traditional mixers are designed with less than 1 hp motors. This can work well if it is soft, easy to mix all the ingredients such as bananas, blueberries, pineapple and the like. You may not give a real smooth texture when you use ingredients like ice, fibrous vegetables and nuts in smoothies.

2 The choice of a start-up smoothie.

Give the smoothie recipes require a certain amount of liquid, so as to move the ingredients into a blender andYour Smoothie right thickness. I will show you how to make a smoothie with the right ingredients for your starter - and show some ingredients to avoid.

Water is a good way to make low calorie smoothie recipes, and is cheap too!

Fruit juices. You can use any kind of juice - orange, apple, grape, pineapple - whatever. Fruit juices should be used sparingly, however - they are high in fructose. Although fructose is naturally large quantities of drinking waterJuice can be too much sugar at once.

Avoid highly processed juice - freshly squeezed is not the same. Most of these juices are processed to contain only a fraction of the nutrients that had originally. You can easily identify these juices, because the expiration date instead of weeks, even months away.

Milk and yogurt drinks are two very popular, that people use to make smoothies. However, I believe that the homogenized and pasteurized dairy products is not ahealthy choices.

Soy milk has become very popular in recent years, and soy products have become a staple for many people who are trying to eliminate dairy from their diet. But soy has its critics. There is much disagreement about the fact that the soy milk and other soy products as healthy. Most of the soybean crop is grown in the United States, also genetically modified, in order to attack organic brands.

Substitute milk are the least objectionable of all packagesDrinks, you can use, make your smoothies healthy. I'm talking about rice milk, milk, hemp milk, oat milk, coconut and almond milk. Although healthier than cow's milk, are still processed foods, and do not know what the process was done to them. If you have a heavy mixer, it is easy to make your own almond milk. This is the best option for everyone.

3 Check the temperature of your milkshake.

If you are looking for a relaxing smoothie, or a pair of iceCubes while mixing, or use frozen fruit instead of fresh. The cold ingredients are used, the more your smoothie is creamy. Using frozen fruit makes it too easy for an abundance of fruit to keep on hand in the freezer to use for smoothies.

4 Fruit and vegetables for your smoothies.

Virtually any combination of fruit or vegetables for your smoothies to be used, depending on the strength of your blender. It 'best to keep the percentage of fruit, vegetablesmore difficult to avoid on the vegetables, the sugar content of smoothies is increased too much.

5 Sweeteners for your smoothie.

You can use the healthy smoothie with fresh or frozen fruit, dates and other dried fruit, agave syrup, raw cane sugar, honey, maple syrup, molasses or stevia sweet. Do not use artificial sweeteners like NutraSweet or Splenda!

6 Make your smoothie into a power anti-oxidant!

Increase the nutritional value of your smoothie or healthyThe addition of protein powder, green superfood powder, super juices, coconut oil and spices such as cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg.

Get more information on how to make a smoothie, as well as dozens of recipes and more smoothie-making secrets.

How to make a smoothie in a healthy way

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Shady Maple Farms Organic Grade a Dark Maple Syrup Glass ( 12x12.7 OZ)

!±8± Shady Maple Farms Organic Grade a Dark Maple Syrup Glass ( 12x12.7 OZ)

Brand : Shady Maple Farms | Rate : | Price : $161.01
Post Date : Aug 11, 2011 03:07:48 | Usually ships in 4-5 business days

  • Gluten Free
  • 12x12.7 OZ

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Shady Maple Farms Organic Grade a Dark Maple Syrup Glass ( 12x12.7 OZ)

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Lemonade Cleanse - The Lemon Cayenne Diet Maple Syrup

!±8± The Lemonade Cleanse - The Lemon Cayenne Diet Maple Syrup

The lemonade is also known as Master Cleanse Detox Body Program has been around for more than 60 years to clean known. It will also clean as lemon, lemon, maple syrup and cayenne pepper diet to know and even though many have used it as a diet, it is not specifically a diet.

It 'a way to help your body, eliminating all toxins from the body as bile purges construction found to detoxify your colon. There are some excellent weight loss results of this purification, however.

Did you knowWe know that control the various glands of the body's hormones, and adjust your body to produce? Please check store the important things, like your energy level, metabolism, mood, aging, sexual desire, muscle building and fat, and more. In practice, it gives your body the fuel it needs to function.

Unfortunately, because of the many chemicals and toxins we eat and drink every time you take our glands do not produce as they should, and this is the reason for soDisease, lack of energy, depression and obesity in our society. Even the water we drink are loaded with chemicals to our body, the stranger.

Clean it with the lemonade in just 10 days, you will notice a big difference in your body and how you feel. There have been many say they have experienced better energy balance, improve skin tone, increased endurance and improved mental awareness. Some even say they feel and look younger with this diet lemon, maple syrup, cayenne pepper.

Afterdetoxify the body with the lemon cleanse diet you will find that with new energy, the ever-present pain, often completely cured after only 10 days. Your mood and energy are much better and will be without the need for harmful drugs, plastic surgery, in constant physical activity and more spa treatments.

Here are some key points that you find the program is clean lemon diet:

o You can avoid eatingunhealthy things to worry about with nothing to do with willpower.

Your body is still, or a normal appetite and increases metabolism, your body adapts in a natural way to get the size needed.

or you will notice that the internal inflammation is reduced and the joints are not so much pain, if at all.

o The hormones are released in their natural state, so that every cell of your body with the energy you will feel recharged wonderful.

o yourentire body is cleansed with diet maple lemon juice, cayenne pepper and syrup detox, the pounds of waste that has built over time, is washed out of your body in just 10 days.

You should consider what you really cleanse your body a good cleaning with the old-fashioned lemonade. You have nothing to do with the lemon juice diet purifies with the exception of some toxic waste that is really bog down your body and takes you from the inside to lose.

The Lemonade Cleanse - The Lemon Cayenne Diet Maple Syrup

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Health benefits of maple syrup

!±8± Health benefits of maple syrup

If you have a sweet tooth are still trying to watch your health, body and mind remember, maple syrup is used as an alternative sweetener. It contains few calories and has a much higher concentration of minerals important to the health of its natural counterpart, honey. Maple syrup has many advantages, but mainly because it is an excellent source of manganese and zinc.

Maple syrup is a thick, sticky liquid that is made from the sap of sugar maple black or redTree. The production of maple syrup begins penetrating the tree so the sap will run out freely - that we've chosen a very low sugar content and the first free tasting. But with the cooking process it evaporates to produce the sweet syrup that we know and love all.

The content of manganese in maple syrup is essential for the production of enzymes in the body, all natural antioxidant defenses in the body and also important for energy production. A smallOz maple syrup can provide up to 22% of the daily intake of this mineral.

Another of the health benefits of maple syrup is important is that it behaves as a good sweetener if you try to heal your heart. The zinc content of maple syrup acts as an antioxidant to prevent damage caused by cholesterol and other fats. The content of zinc and manganese in maple syrup also helps in building a healthy immune system as the immune cells from lead to zinc to perfection. This means thatthat activate maple syrup you can heal your body better without the extra minerals.

There are several health benefits of maple syrup so it's a very healthy food to your diet. This is 100 percent natural organic food - no way, except that the addition of ingredients can be changed. Although there are three times sweeter than cane sugar, less calories! The sugar content of maple syrup is completely pure, is not reduced, and goesany production or processing and is therefore cleaner and better for your body. As you can see, there are many health benefits of maple syrup making extremely gentle on your health and your diet!

Health benefits of maple syrup

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Brown Family Farm Pure Maple Candy, Pilgrim, 0.75-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 32)

!±8± Brown Family Farm Pure Maple Candy, Pilgrim, 0.75-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 32)

Brand : Brown Family Farm | Rate : | Price : $54.42
Post Date : Jul 25, 2011 15:38:41 | Usually ships in 24 hours

At Brown Family Farm, we create extraordinarily delicious maple culinary delights. Working exclusively with independent New England farmers and chefs, we use only pure New England maple prrepared in small batches to create the finest authentic maple fare you'll ever taste. You will love our pure maple syrup, maple candy, savory grilling and roasting sauces, and our award winning crepe and pancake mixes. A little maple from Brown Family Farm will turn ordinary recipes into extraordinary culinary delights. Our products look great on your table and make thoughtful gifts. Every product or gift set comes with our steadfast commitment to be the finest, pure New England maple fare you'll every taste.

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